Aloe Vera has been widely grown as an ornamental plant.
To date, to be truthful aloe has found a few other uses besides a ornamental desert plant. Aloe Vera juice, for instance is high in antioxidants and as a result boosts a person's immune system by detoxifying the body which helps to prevent illness, and everyone knows what to reach for when you get too much sun. Or when you get a kitchen burn. The Aloe Vera probably originated in northern Africa. It survives in areas of low natural rainfall. In history the Aloe Vera has been found in writings of many different cultures. As far back as the Greek, Egyptian, and Roman empires. References have also been found in writings from the early Indian and Chinese cultures. Ancient records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known for centuries, and it's therapeutic and healing properties have survived for over 4000 years. FYI the earliest record of Aloe Vera is on a Sumerian tablet dating from 2100 BC.

- Aids in constipation.
- Aids in digestion and helps with stomachaches and heartburn.
- Helps to regulate blood sugars.
- Detoxifies the body and colon.
- Helps with weight loss by increasing metabolic rate to burn more calories.
- Improves circulation.
- Aids in healing damage to internal tissues.
- Regulates blood pressure.
- Strengthens immune system.
- Retards the growth of cancerous tumors.
- Helps to reduce inflammation.

Abrasions, Colds, Herpes simplex & zoster, HIV, Staph infections,Acne, Colic, Menstrual cramps & irregularity,Ulcerations, Allergies, Denture (gum) sores, Nausea, Burns, Epstein-Barr virus, Chronic fatigue, Hypertension, Stings, Constipation, Infections, Sunburns,Ulcerative colitis, Arthritis, Dermatitis, Parasites (especially protozoan infections), Vaginitis, Radiation Dermatitis,Warts,Viral infections, Contusions, Insect bites, Tendinitis, Allergies, Dandruff, Boils, Diabetes, Ulcers, Varicose veins, Bruises, Edema, Psoriasis.
Now, Aloe has been known to cause allergic reactions in some people, side effects are rare and Aloe is considered to be safe. So, not only is Aloe Vera good for all those things I've mentioned, it is also made up of components essential for our cells to do the jobs they were designed to do. Healthy Cells = Healthy Tissue, Healthy Tissue = Healthy Organs. Healthy Organs = GOOD HEALTH. Good Luck...
Doc's Fitness Tip's Publishes Weekly. (mostly)
"Flex-Appeal" Personal Training Service, the publisher of Doc's Fitness Tip's is Located In Dana Point, California. Our 20+ years of personal training experience also proudly serves the communities of, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, and MissionViejo,Ca. We specialize in body sculpting, and adventure sport, balance, core, and endurance training.
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Doc's Fitness Tip's Publishes Weekly. (mostly)
"Flex-Appeal" Personal Training Service, the publisher of Doc's Fitness Tip's is Located In Dana Point, California. Our 20+ years of personal training experience also proudly serves the communities of, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, and MissionViejo,Ca. We specialize in body sculpting, and adventure sport, balance, core, and endurance training.
Flex-Appeal is currently offering, for new customers, a 2 for 1 personal training special that allows you to get personally trained, and bring a spouse for FREE! Or split the first months cost with a friend !
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