
Want Better Sex? L-Arginine

     Over 800 scientific studies are published on Arginine.

 Arginine or L-Arginine has been studied with respect to its role in more than 150 diseases, but before I get into some of the other health areas, let's first review what arginine is, and why it's so important for your cardiovascular health. Once in the body, arginine is converted into another chemical known as nitric oxide, which can improve blood flow and stimulate the release of certain hormones, including insulin, and growth hormone. Arginine was first isolated in 1886. In 1932, scientists learned that arginine is needed to create urea, a waste product that is necessary for toxic ammonia to be removed from the body. In 1939, researchers discovered that arginine is also needed to make creatine. Arginine is considered a semi-essential amino acid, because we make some in our bodies. Every chemical reaction which occurs in the body relies on one or more of the twenty amino acids we have in our bodies. Amino acids and in particular arginine, are found in protein rich foods such as meat, dairy, nuts, beans, and some grains. When an "L" is placed in front of an amino acid (as it can be for any of the twenty in our bodies) it indicates that the amino acid can exist in two possible forms: L or D. Now, D-Arginine is often made for use by research by scientists but is not sold or used commercially. D-arginine is not found in nature though it is considered to be the mirror image of L-arginine in terms of its chemical structure. So, essentially there is no real difference between L-Arginine and Arginine, unless you are a scientist using D-Arginine.

The main benefit of arginine  is when it changes into Nitric Oxide in your body, which causes blood vessel relaxation (vasodilation). Evidence in many publications suggests that arginine may help treat medical conditions that improve with vasodilation, such as chest pain, clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), coronary artery disease, erectile dysfunction, heart failure, and blood vessel swelling that causes headaches. Not only that, arginine also triggers the body to make protein, and has been studied for wound healing, bodybuilding, and enhancement of sperm production. Question...What do arginine, car exhaust, dynamite and fireflies have in common? The answer, Nitric Oxide, simply abbreviated NO. One nitrogen atom attached to one oxygen atom. Nitric Oxide is a soluble, highly reactive gas produced in certain animal, and plant cells from the amino acid arginine, and is a byproduct of combustion, as well as a product of natural chemical reactions in our atmosphere. Nitric Oxide can be derived from nitroglycerin as well, which is a major component of dynamite. Nitric Oxide also plays a role in firefly (lightening bugs) flashing.

It's a very prevalent molecule in the environment, but it has only been in the last 20 years that scientists have discovered just how important it is to your health. The many roles of Nitric Oxide, biological and otherwise, are so impressive that it was dubbed "Molecule of the Year" by Science magazine in 1992, followed by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine for its discovery as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. FYI don't confuse nitric oxide (NO) with nitrous oxide (N2O), or "laughing gas," the anesthetic gas used by dentists, which is two nitrogen atoms attached to one oxygen. Ok back to arginine, most of the health benefits of arginine are related to the fact that it's a precursor to Nitric Oxide in your body. Arginine is the only known nutritional substrate in your blood vessel lining available to endothelial cells (cells lining the interior surface of your blood vessels) for nitric oxide production. So your blood vessels require Arginine to synthesize nitric oxide.
http://www.naturalypure.com/images/L-Arginine.jpgNitric Oxide has been shown to enhance blood flow and help you maintain optimal blood pressure. Nitric Oxide signals the smooth muscle cells in your blood vessels to relax, so that your vessels dilate and your blood flows more freely. This helps your arteries stay free of plaque. When you have inadequate Nitric Oxide, your risk for coronary artery disease increases.  It also operates as a signaling molecule in your brain and immune system. If your blood is flowing freely, then nearly every physiological process will function better. If your blood is sluggish, then important cells and nutrients can't reach the areas that need them. In addition to improving blood flow and vessel elasticity, L-Arginine plays other important biological roles it:
  • Helps get rid of ammonia: A toxic waste product. Your cells release nitrogen all the time from the normal process of repairing and replacing damaged cells, and this nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form ammonia.
  • Assists in producing other amino acids: creatine, L-proline, and L-glutamate. Creatine is important to muscle energy and proper nervous system function. L-proline is important for collagen synthesis and the healing of wounds. L-glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter, key to brain function, especially left hemisphere functions (logic and reasoning, language, computational skills, learning and memory).
  • Promotes good sexual function: for both men and women. Increased microcirculation in genital tissues results in stronger erections and better sexual responsiveness, by the same nitric oxide mechanism.
  • Has endocrine effects: Simply put it promotes the release of two important hormones, human growth hormone (HGH) and prolactin
L-Arginine combined with L-Citrulline's effectiveness has also been studied in combination with antioxidant supplements, and the results from these studies is even more dramatic. The introduction of antioxidants to the already powerful effect of L-Arginine and L-Citrulline allows for these two supplements to better do their jobs because the antioxidants deactivate or neutralize the effects of the free radicals in the body, allowing for the easier production of Nitric Oxide. So, Nitric Oxide production is the catalyst for improved blood flow and lower blood pressure. Furthermore, studies have shown that when the body has done a good job getting rid of a significant amount of free radicals, antioxidants can then restore the health of the cells that produce Nitric Oxide (the endothelial cells) and can create a better defense against future attacks on our immune system.
So here we are, Arginine for Better Sex... Well 75% of men with heart disease have erectile problems. It's understandable, when you think about it in terms of one major underlying factor, impaired circulation. If the blood vessels to your heart are damaged, your heart doesn't get optimal blood flow. If the blood vessels in your sex organs are restricted, your "flag pole ain't so stiff !" Don't forget  the side effects you may be suffering could be from all of those pharmaceutical concoctions you may be taking to manage your heart disease. It makes sense, then, that Nitric Oxide levels are a major factor in sexual function, and the research has proved this. In fact, this is how a leading ED drug treats erectile problems, it increases nitric oxide production, relaxing your blood vessels,

which increases blood flow to your organs, but, the price you might pay for using those pharmaceutical ED drugs, and ignoring the real cause of restricted blood flow is dangerous indeed. Along with a bunch of potentially dangerous pharmaceutical medicine side effects. Including the chance of heart disease, stroke and sterility. Conditions that clearly will not help you toward a long, healthy life. Arginine increases the action of nitric oxide, similar to ED drugs, but without, the potentially dangerous side effects. Two recent studies have shown that Arginine can be particularly effective when used in combination with two other natural agents:

    In terms of dosage, a pilot study published in the Journal European Urology found 6 grams of arginine combined with 6 mg of yohimbine was successful in treating men with ED. Nitric oxide is also believed to play a role in women's sexual function. (Musicki et al, 2009). Since Nitric Oxide is a gas, you can't just pop a pill to increase your NO level. You are very dependent on your body's synthesis of this gas from the raw materials you take in through diet. Make sure you get enough high quality protein, and a diet rich in organic whole foods that are loaded with antioxidants, and not pesticides. If you suspect you may be deficient in arginine, you might consider the added protection of a supplement, but it is my STRONG recommendation to first try to obtain it through normal dietary food sources, it is the best way to experience the benefits of this nutrient. Foods high in protein are also usually high in arginine. According to the Mayo Clinic, some good animal sources of the amino acid include meat, chicken and dairy products. Beef flank steak, for instance, has about 1,200 mg of arginine per 3.5-oz serving, according to traditionaloven.com. A chicken breast has about 1,000 mg in the same serving size, while cheddar cheese has about 950 mg. Some of the foods highest in Arginine are:
    • Seeds (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, poppy, caroway)
    • Seaweed (spirulina is an excellent source)
    • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts)
    • Coconut
    • Eggs and Whey
    • Beans
    Fish is another good source of arginine, with several species having high levels of the amino acid. Anchovies, and tuna both have more than 1,700 mg in a 3.5-oz. serving, while sardines have close to 1,500 mg in the same amount. Shellfish is also a good source of arginine, with shrimp supplying 1,776 mg per 3.5-oz serving, and scallops 1,223 mg. The arginine content of most other fish species is between 1,000 and 1,200 mg per 3.5-oz serving. So arginine is naturally present in many foods. Proven in studies arginine lowers cholesterol, increases male and female response to intimacy, boosts your immune system, and keeps you mentally alert.
    Arginine also increases your body's ability to burn fat, while at the same time helping to increasing muscle mass. Arginine is also an HGH enhancer. It stimulates your body to release the anti-aging, human growth hormone. Human growth hormone has been shown to slow and often reverse your aging process.  Your bone density will also increase. All of these atributes make arginine one of the most important discoveries concerning our health, of the century. A very good reason to make sure we are not lacking in this essential amino acid.  Arginine supplements are likely safe, and well tolerated in doses up to 20 grams per day, according to live strong .com and the NYU Langone Medical Center. Those with low-blood pressure should not take arginine, as it may lower blood pressure even further. Arginine may also make herpes worse by allowing the herpes virus to multiply. To be on the safe side, pregnant or nursing women, young children, and individuals with kidney or liver disease should avoid arginine supplements. Arginine should not be taken with medications for high blood pressure or medications that increase blood flow to the heart. Always check with your doctor when changing your diet if you are on prescription medications. Unless you're an elite athlete, you can most likely obtain plenty of this amino acid from pure organic food sources. Good Luck...

      Doc's Fitness Tip's Publishes Weekly.

    Flex-Appeal Personal Training  Service, the publisher of Doc's Fitness Tip's is Located In Dana Point, Ca. Our 20+ years of personal training experience also proudly serves the communities of, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, and MissionViejo,Ca. 
    Flex -Appeal is currently offering, for new customers, a 2 for 1 personal training special that allows you to enjoy a one month personal training program. This is the perfect opportunity to get personally trained and bring a friend or spouse for FREE! Or Split The First Months Cost !! 

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    Seasonal Depression, Don't Be SAD...

          Is everyone a little more tired and moody than usual?

    Well it could be a lot of different things. Financial, health or family woes. Or it could be you're just a little S.A.D., that's Seasonal Affective Disorder. Experts are not sure what causes our S.A.D. ness, but they think it may be caused by a lack of sunlight. Caused by shorter winter daytime hours. Lack of light may upset your sleep/wake cycle, and other circadian rhythms. Which then can cause problems with a brain chemical called serotonin, which affects mood. Our circadian rhythm's, are 24-hour cycles that are driven by the body's "biological clock." The "biological clock" is regulated by light, or darkness, that let's the body know when it's time to sleep, or wake up.

    The 24-hour circadian rhythm also controls functions like, body temperature, hormone release, and the balance of body fluid. The body's master clock, controls the production of melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy. When there is less light, like at night, or during the change of season from summer to winter the brain makes more melatonin so you get drowsy. So you start yawning at 6:00 thinking it's much later. Jet lag is when travelers suffer from disrupted circadian rhythms. When you pass through different time zones, your body's clock will be different from your wristwatch, making you feel groggy and disoriented. Your body's clock will eventually reset itself, but this often takes a few days. Allison T. Siebern, PhD, from the Stanford University Sleep Medicine Center commented "When you cross time zones, it disrupts  your internal clock, so you and the external time are desynchronized. Your body needs to get on the new rhythm.

    Some of the SAD symptoms are:
    • Feeling sad, grumpy, moody, or anxious.
    • Lose interest in your usual activities.
    • Eat more and crave carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta.
    • Weight Gain
    • Sleep more and still feel drowsy during the daytime.
    • Lack of energy
    • Slow, sluggish, lethargic movement
    • Social withdrawal
    S.A.D. was formally described and named in 1984 by Norman E. Rosenthal and colleagues at the National Institute of Mental Health. S.A.D. symptoms come, and go at about the same time each year. For some people with S.A.D., symptoms can start in September, and end in May.

    Doctors often prescribe light therapy to treat S.A.D., usually for people who live in areas where winter days are very short, rainy, or snowy, or there are big changes in the amount of daylight in different seasons. Like the pacific northwest or England. Around here in California recommended therapy for shortened daylight includes regular exercise, a healthy, moderate to low carbohydrate diet with minimal simple sugar, caffeine and alcohol consumption. Which we all know can and usually does change around the holidays. Also there is a lot of positive responses to in-home negative ionized-air generators, and supplementation of vitamin D, and melatonin. According to Web MD, melatonin is naturally secreted in our bodies and helps regulate our circadian rhythms so that we sleep at night, but the jury is still out on the effectiveness of the supplement melatonin to combat jet lag and aid sleep. Some research shows that it can reduce jet lag on flights both east and west. Take 3 milligrams of melatonin an hour or two before bedtime at your destination, and plan to sleep for 10 hours. Melatonin appears to be safe if taken short term, but its long-term effects are not known. If you want to try melatonin, check with your doctor first.

    Try starting your day with exercise during this time of year instead of ending your day with exercise. Being active during the daytime, especially first thing in the morning, may help you have more energy and feel less depressed. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or have a swim in the morning before breakfast is a good way to get started. Don't forget though S.A.D. is a mild form of depression for most of us, but it could be more of an issue for some. If it is for you, it may be better to seek the advise of a doctor who may prescribe anti-depressant medications in some cases. Remember if you want things to be different in your life you have to change the way you do things. Learn to manage your stress better by taking up some hobbies. Nutrition isn't a big secret any more try to eat a more well balanced diet. If you smoke QUIT! If you have a substance abuse problem seek help. Manage your time better and find time to relax with someone or  something you enjoy, other than sleep.

    Improve your social skills attend events of interest, and meet new people. Find activities that will allow you to be outdoors no matter the weather. Stop complaining! You not only bring yourself down but you negatively affect those around you. Find things you can accomplish so you improve your self esteem, and for goodness sake if you're an adult, have more healthy SEX, it can alleviate depression, it's good for your hormone balance, your joints, great for your attitude, and better than any anti-depression medication on the market today. Good Luck...

     Doc's Fitness Tip's Publishes Weekly.

    Flex-Appeal Personal Training  Service, the publisher of Doc's Fitness Tip's is Located In Dana Point, Ca. Our 20+ years of personal training experience also proudly serves the communities of, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, and MissionViejo,Ca. 
    Flex -Appeal is currently offering, for new customers, a 2 for 1 personal training special that allows you to enjoy a one month personal training program. This is the perfect opportunity to get personally trained and bring a friend or spouse for FREE! Or Split The First Months Cost !! 

    But, hurry fast, this offer will end soon! 

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    For the best Personal Fitness Training in Orange County, California:

    PLEASE CONTACT ME; DOC MASTERS, at flexappealdoc@hotmail.com

    "I'm Just Mad About Saffron ..."

    As Pricy As Gold, The Most Expensive Spice In the World

    I'm just mad about Saffron, and Saffron is mad about me. This is one spice that slips by most everyone's cooking radar. That's a BIG mistake. Saffron is a hand harvested pistil of a flower. How would I describe the taste of saffron, well it's semi-sweet mellow in food but bitter to taste. It smells like hay, the
    ocean, burnt embers. It's aroma is distinct, as delicate like a surgeon, but sharp like a bitch-slap. I know because I'm chewing on some right now. It dominates the dishes it appears in, but delicately acts as a companion to other ingredients. Nothing in the kitchen is as full of paradox, and subtlety as this singularly elegant, and justifiably expensive spice.

    Saffron was first documented in the 7th century. The history of saffron spice tracks back over 4500 years and traverses many civilizations, countries, and cultures. Zeus in Greek mythology slept on a bed of saffron. The spice appears in the verses of the Song of Solomon and in Chinese writings dating to 1600 BC. It's said that Cleopatra used it "before encounters with men" I haven't been able to find out how, so use your imagination on that one. A dye from these stigmas colors a 50,000-year-old cave painting in Iraq. Saffron began being used in the middle east and then was used worldwide as a food seasoning, medicine, perfume, and as a dye for clothes. In the middle ages, and unscrupulous dealers would, under law, be burned alive for selling a phony saffron spice. Those people took their spice trading seriously. Make no mistake though since it's initial use at the beginning of its history, right up to today, saffron spice has remained the most expensive spice known in the world. It's native to Asia Minor. The red and gold threads were also highly prized by pharaohs, and kings as an aphrodisiac. Saffron has been used medicinally to reduce fevers, cramps, enlarged livers, and to calm nerves. Also to calm babies during teething. It has also been used externally to for bruises, and rheumatism. Although the majority of the world's saffron is produced in Iran, Spain is the world's largest exporter of saffron.

    Saffron, is derived from the dried stigmas of the saffron crocus (crocus sativus) a small plant about a foot tall. Approximately 50,000 flowers are needed for 2 pounds of dried saffron. Each flower has three female parts (stigmas) two male parts (stamens) each stigmas is red or dark red in color towards the top and yellow towards the bottom of the stigma, where it is attached to the flower. There are other several plants that can give a yellow orange color to your food but none of these has the hypnotic fragrance of true saffron. You can fool the eye, but not the taste buds. Saffron has a bitter flavor and strong sharp penetrating scent. The flavor, aroma and coloring capability come from the red part of the stigma. The yellow part has no value as a spice. The crocus sativus is in bloom only for about three to four weeks. The stigmas have to be harvested by hand, when the stigmas are dried, they are called Saffron.

    The brighter the coloring, the better the strength of the saffron, the less you have to use in a dish to achieve the required effect. Saffron has its own unique taste that is indescribable and really there is not anything else that can be used as a substitute. The flowering period of saffron starts during middle of late October, and lasts until the second week of November. However, the number of saffron flowers, and the time of blooming in any year are dependent upon the temperature, and on the amount of rainfall. The flowers that bloom in October, pushing out two or three fragile, wispy stigmas. Since they can only be harvested by hand, pickers work through the night to collect these shy little wisps.

    Professor Silvia Bisti led a study at Italy's L'Aquila University, through the university's ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Science. It appears that saffron may protect, and correct vision in individuals who have retinitis pigmentosa, or muscular degeneration related to age. The study found that saffron is a powerful antioxidant, affecting the genes that manage fatty acid levels in the membranes of the cells. Vision cells become stronger, and more apt to heal with the support of the antioxidant. The effects are impressive, also with human subjects with age related muscular degeneration experiencing restored sight with the help of saffron. Their next endeavor is to determine which components in saffron contain the vision repairing elements. As the specific ingredients are not readily apparent, although the spice has enjoyed much acclaim for eye health for many centuries. Saffron is full of surprises. Health problems that have been treated with the spice include:

    • Digestive problems
    • Asthma
    • Insomnia
    • Menstrual problems
    • Common colds
    • Inflammation
    • Depression
    Saffron is known to have helped relieve kidney stones. It also improves circulation of blood. In days past, grandmothers used to mix a few sprigs of saffron in hot milk as a night cap for their grand children, to induce sound sleep, and good health. It's been scientifically proven that saffron contains carotenoids which play a vital role in inhibiting skin tumors. Saffron also contains a compound by the name crocin which is helpful in promoting learning, memory retention and recall capacity to a great extent. Several studies have shown encouraging results that saffron might be great in the treatment and management of age related mental impairment, due to saffron's unique compounds like crocin and safranel which belong to the same family of carotenoids.

    Saffron contains certain active ingredients also which produce positive effects in patients suffering from neuro-degenerative disorders. Saffron along with being a  good remedy for insomnia,it's been used for coughing, indigestion, and even baldness. The compounds of crocin, and safranel have anti- tumor effects as well. Saffron greatly boosts immunity by aiding in the maturation of white blood cells, as well as accelerating the levels of enzymes that help the body to track down, and eliminate toxins.
    For those girls (or guys) suffering from acute premenstrual syndrome, saffron can be an answer to your prayers. It eases irritability, depression, and mood swings, symptoms typical to this syndrome. Saffron is a great blood purifier and displays anti-inflammatory properties too. For those afflicted with severe inflammatory arthritis, taking saffron can provide relief from joint pains. Saffron is also  great for athletes as it can ease fatigue, and muscle inflammation by helping tissues to get rid of lactic acid, that gets stored in joints after a hard workout. It's mild sedative properties can be safely used to provide  rest after a workout or even when you're sick with cold's or the flu. Saffron helps us by increasing oxygen content in blood, promoting over all health and well being.

    So saffron does more than just add flavor, and color to food. When buying saffron, to find out whether it is fake or adulterated, immerse a tiny piece of it in warm water or milk. If the milk or water colors immediately, then it is adulterated (phoney). Genuine saffron takes about ten to fifteen minutes of soaking in warm water or milk before it can turn a deep red color, and release it's wonderful aroma. Some people may be tempted to try saffron in supplements but from what I've read this may not yield very good results. Be wary saffron supplements are notorious for having inferior ingredients and additives. Pregnant women should not take saffron, don't know why, but I've read it in more than one place. Because of it's expense, intense flavor, and strong dying properties, very little saffron is required for your cooking purposes. The key is to distribute it evenly throughout the dish being prepared. I like adding it to jasmine rice as a complement to a fish dish. It can be crushed to a fine powder with a mortar and pestle. Always opt for whole saffron threads instead of powdered saffron, as the threads tend to have more medicinal properties and the powder can be adulterated or dry or contaminated. Grind it yourself. It is always a good idea to purchase any spice or food product through a reputable source. Remember if the price seems too good to be true, chances are it isn't, and that the spice isn't really saffron. Good Luck...

     Doc's Fitness Tip's Publishes Weekly.

    Flex-Appeal Personal Training  Service, the publisher of Doc's Fitness Tip's is Located In Dana Point, Ca. Our 20+ years of personal training experience also proudly serves the communities of, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, and MissionViejo,Ca. 
    Flex -Appeal is currently offering, for new customers, a 2 for 1 personal training special that allows you to enjoy a one month personal training program. This is the perfect opportunity to get personally trained and bring a friend or spouse for FREE! Or Split The First Months Cost !! 

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    PLEASE CONTACT ME; DOC MASTERS, at flexappealdoc@hotmail.com